Saturday, September 29, 2012

Soda Biscuits

In this house we love biscuits.  The fan favorite was Popeye's biscuits but they are so greasy and expensive I have been on the hunt for a replacement for some time now.  I got close with the copycat recipe from ( that was made with with sprite.  They were deemed okay but the flavor was off and the butter was lacking.  It was like making brownies with black beans instead of all the good stuff and claiming they tasted the same;  acceptable when desperate but not good enough to break the addiction with a Popeye's down the street. Tonight I made some modifications and gave it another try and I think this time I got it!  Here's the finished product:

Sorry Popeye's but you have been replaced in my heart.  These are easy, light, buttery, flaky, and delicious without that cloying feel of grease left over after eating them.  As an added bonus they're also cheap to make.  Let the peasants rejoice!

2 cups bisquick plus some for kneading the dough
1/2 cup sour cream (light is perfectly acceptable)
1/2 cup ginger ale
1/4 cup butter

1) Preheat oven to 400
2) Mix bisquick, sour cream, and ginger ale.
3) Turn onto board covered in bisquick and knead several times until the dough is smooth. If in doubt too little is better than too much unless you enjoy chewy biscuits.
4) Pat to about 1/3 an inch thickness (Do not get out a ruler and get all antsy about it, just guess. You know who you are)
5) Use something round to cut out biscuits.  I use a drinking glass.
6) Melt 2 tbsp of the butter & pour it into the bottom of a 9" round pan
7) Squish the biscuits together in the pan.  Everyone should be up close and personal with their neighbors.  Biscuits stand together or barely rise alone.
8) Bake for about 15 minutes or until the biscuits are golden.  Melt the butter when they're getting close.
9) While they are still hot brush with the rest of the butter.

Makes 10-12 biscuits

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