Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Two week menu plan plus alternate (Mid-summer)

Sausage & spinach quiche, yogurt, fresh fruit

B&G, Fruit salad

Pancakes, sausage, eggs, green smoothies

Chicken & Gravy, mashed potatoes, mixed veg

Hamburgers, fries, carrots

Pizza, salad

Taco Bake with avocado & tomato topping

Pasta primivera w/ chicken, breadsticks

Roasted Chicken, Mashed potatoes, Gravy, rolls, broccoli

BBQ pork sandwiches, Veggie oven baked rice pilaf, baked beans

Spaghetti, Beef meatballs, Salad, sourdough bread

Pork carnitas, refritos, chips & salsa

Grill night:  Steak & Chicken, Baked Potatoes, corn on the cob

Stuffed Chicken Breasts, Baked Potatoes, Steamed veggies

Beef stroganoff, Salad, Rolls

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